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Graham & Mona Hayter posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To Donna and Bill
Our heartfelt condolences go out to you and your extended family. Losing someone we love is nothing easy, but knowing that you have been able to be a part of his life, you can realize that you are blessed to have been able to share in his life. We never had the privilege of meeting him, however, from what we have heard he was truly a lovable and kind person. Take solace in the memories your dad and grandfather left behind and remember the best times, the love and the laughter, his gift for you to share when you are sitting around the kitchen table.
Caring thoughts are with you during this time.
Graham & Mona Hayter
Elaine Peddle & Bob Diamond posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To the Tetford Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you mourn the loss of your loving Dad, grandfather, great grandfather and loved one. May your cherished memories provide you with comfort and strength; your loved one will forever remain a part of each of you.
Thinking of you,
Bob Diamond and Elaine Peddle
Baxter & Lila Kinden posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To the Tetfords family. Saddened to hear of Mr Tetfords passing. I (Lila) have some very fond memories of times spent at his home when I was a child. He was such a kind man and will always be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family at this sad time.
Wayne Baker posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To:PastorTetford, Ruth and Families
Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss in your family. Be assured of our thoughts and prayers. We turn to the God of all comforts in these days of mourning and loss.
Pastors Wayne and Joy Baker
Maranatha church family
Triton NL
Carol Hedd posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
Always remembered him as a very pleasant man when he stayed with Donna and Bill. My sympathy to all the family. God bless, Carol Hedd.
Watson Zoe posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
We are sending our condolences to your family from ours. Your Dad was such a wonderful man with a warm heart and a big smile. Although he will be so missed, May you all find peace in knowing he is in a better place now and keep his example of unconditional love and values alive within yourselves. Love to you all, Derek, Zoe, Will and Scott
Evelyn Ball-Piercey posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
We wish to extend our deepest condolences to John's family during this time of loss. We greatly enjoyed the visits from John and Lorna in the past and will fondly cherish those memories. David Ball & Family (Evelyn, Carolyn, Neil and Gail).
Viola E posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To the Tetford Family,
We were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of your Dad.He was a very dear man, who was loved by many.Hold on to all your wonderful memories of him.Those will help you in the difficult times ahead. We are praying for you today & sending our Love & deepest condolences to all.
With Love
Scott & Viola Eveleigh
Brantford ON.
Bernard and Sharon posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
We were sadden to hear of Johnny’s passing but rejoice with you that he is now with the One he exemplified here on earth. Praise God, we will see him again, he is just gone on ahead.
Such a sweet and gentle man who will be missed greatly. Great memories of the Telford family in Laurenceton.
Our prayers and thoughts are with each of you.
David & Colette Jessop posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To all the Tetford families,
Our loss is heavens gain, and I can only imagine the great rejoicing as Mr.Tetford caught his first glimpse of his Saviour. Makes us envious of him in many ways. He has left behind a strong legacy of what a Christ Like life really was. He loved his God and loved his family dearly. A quiet and gentle man but yet full of love and laughter. His smile was contagious and he made everyone in his presence feel special. Our thoughts and prayers will be with the family as they go through the many stages of grief. Hold tight to the fond memories and remember its only see you later, till we meet again.
Much love,
David & Colette Jessop and family
Kevin and Mona Dawe posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
To The Tetford Family:
We are saddened and sorry to hear of the passing of a great father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, uncle and a friend to so many. Uncle John, as he was affectionally known to us, was a stalwart man in many respects both physically and spiritualy. He was a 'man among men' - a man whose life enriched so many. "Still waters run deep' is an old adage that so fittingly describes Uncle John - his character, personality, leadership, quiet demeanor, commitment to his family, his unwavering faith in and testimony to his God and his church are just a few descriptions of the life of this great man. As can be attested to by the fittingly written obituary and the many tributes, his life had a lasting impact on anyone and everyone who were priv1ledged to be graced with his presence. Cherish the many great and fond memories you have of him. They will help you through the days ahead. He will be truly missed. We will miss our occasional chats. Our thoughts and prayers are with you today and in the days to come.
From: Kevin and Mona Dawe, Botwood, NL
Sheila Wells posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
Th Johnny's children, brothers, and sisters: Thinking of you today and extending my deepest sympathy to all of you at this sad time.
Verlie & Guy Elliott posted a condolence
Monday, April 26, 2021
The family of John Tetford: It's always sad to lose a loved one; a "true gentleman" just moved on to a better place, after more than 96 years here on earth. There is a lot to celebrate about the life of John Tetford; not the least of which is the Godly heritage he left to his family. Cherish the many memories you have of your loved one. These memories include "in-law" breaking a window while practising his sporting skills! Mr. Tetford looked the happiest when surrounded by family, especially the grand children. Be comforted by the Hope of a meeting again in the not too distant future!
Verlie & Guy Elliott, Lab City
Loretta Newcombe lit a candle
Monday, April 26, 2021

Our condolences to the Telford family.Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of loss.Heaven has gained another wonderful Angel.
Diane and Barry Budden posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Jennifer,Wade and family (Tetford Family). So sorry to hear about the passing of Mr Tetford. We are thinking of you all. May your memories be comforting at this time.
George and Doris Williams posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To: Tetford Family
John's passing was a shock to all, but at the same time a rejoicing for John going from this life into the presence of God.
The passing of a love one brings sadness, and he will be missed by the ones he loved and no doubt loved him.
John lived a strong Christian life and love his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the testimony he lived has impacted his family and the people he came in contact with.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you, be assured God's grace and strength are with you at this time.
He will greet us soon on the other side throughout eternity.
George and Doris Williams
Fort McMurray
George Diamond posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To All My Tetford Cousins:
So sad to hear of Johnny's passing. It's obvious that he led a full, active life and enjoyed the love and respect of a wonderful family.
Treasure your precious memories which will help sustain you as time passes. And may God's peace comfort your hearts at this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
George Diamond
Perry and Shirley Burton posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
We are saddened to hear of Uncle John’s passing, our thoughts and prayers are with you during your time of sorrow and loss.
Ruth Taylor posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To the Telford family.
So sorry to hear of your love one passing, I got to know this kind, gentle, and very distinguish man, working at the home the last 3 years, John, although very quite he had a way about him that would make you feel good, a very Godly man, and we always knew that about him by his presence. John will be missed very much by all of us. But now he is with the one he served and loved, just waiting for us to come and join him soon. John enjoy your new home, until we meet again. Love and prayers, Ruth Taylor
Sherry McIntosh posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To my Tetford Cousins:
We are so said to hear of Uncle Johnny’s passing.
He was a lovely, kind & humble man who loved the Lord & his Family.
Know that my thoughts are with you all as you lay your beloved Dad to rest
Sherry(Ball) McIntosh
Holly LeDrew posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To the family of Johnney (and Rowena):
I don't have a single childhood memory that doesn't include at least one of you! You were our neighbours but so much more. You babysat us, helped us, and were our friends. My earliest memories include you and your parents. From being taken to the big pink house during thunder storms, to sliding on Johnney Tetford's hill, to playing baseball, swinging on the swings between the two big trees, cutting boughs for bonfire night and so much more! So today I mourn with you the loss of a great man who influenced all of our lives. Your father was a quiet man of integrity and faith and he left a wonderful legacy in all of you and your children and grandchildren. The world is a better place because of him and his influence on all of you and all of us. Take comfort in your memories and know that he was greatly respected and loved by many!
My most heartfelt condolences to you and the entire family, as well as the Marshall family.
Holly LeDrew
Donald and Marilyn Ball posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To our Tetford cousins, and the extended Tetford and Marshall families: we offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Uncle John.
He was a giant of a man in his own right.
I only knew of Uncle John as a quiet man (although that twinkle in his eye did nothing but only hide a hundred stories, or the ability to “carry on” like a father, and grand-father knew best). However, that quiet demeanor was greatly overshadowed by how he lived his life, how he exemplified his great and bold faith. He was a man who instilled in his family the greatest of values – that being a trust and reliance upon a great God to guide our lives. He lived that every day.
He was a man who knew advancing age as only a number and not a time in life to slow down. Stories of his legendary bike riding, scaling ladders to roof tops, and talking long walks around the shoreline will live on for a long time. Advancing age was something to be enjoyed not shunned. We all can take lessons from his view of life. I remember talking to him a couple of summers ago at Laurenceton and he was still full of life and vigor even then.
We will remember his long and well-lived life and hold to a very Blessed Hope that he had, and that we all cling to; that being, this life is only a momentary passing and there lives a greater day in which we will get to enjoy all that God has promised us – in His new creation, just as it was meant to be. We hold to that Hope.
Be assured of our prayers for comfort and support during these difficult days. Hold to the great memories of a full life and the wonderful times shared.
Donald and Marilyn Ball
Grand Falls-Windsor
Flora & Claude Boyd posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
We are so sorry to hear the sad news of Uncle Johnny. Over the years, Uncle Johnny and Aunt Rowena were very special to our family. Their house was my favourite place to visit. Aunt Rowena and I often sat on their step in the evening and listened to Mr LeDrew pray. I remember how Uncle Johnny didn’t want Aunt Rowena to work in the garden because he said that she ‘worked hard caring for our children’. Their Christian example and love for family are a cherished legacy. Our prayers and love are with each of you and your families. Cousin ‘Aunt’ Flo & Claude
Barbara Hoddinott posted a condolence
Sunday, April 25, 2021
To the Tetford families,
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your father,grandfather,great grandfather and brother.I will always remember him from my childhood. Over the years when I ran into him and your mother up at Lewisporte, we would always stop for a little chat which I enjoyed.i didn't see him out and about much in recent years but I will never forget him. I pray God will strengthen and comfort you all during this sad time.
Robert & Greta Mills posted a condolence
Saturday, April 24, 2021
So sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. Our sincere condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Your loss is heaven’s gain.
Dennis Budden posted a condolence
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Jennifer, Wade, Travis, Sara, Pauline, Cyril and family....
Keeping you close in thought as you celebrate the great life of a great man.
The family of John R. Tetford uploaded a photo
Saturday, April 24, 2021

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